Retreat with Manish Vyas
Aubenas, Ardèche , South France
30 March - 2 April 2023
In the outskirts of the enchanting town of Aubenas, South France, situated in the province of Ardèche, region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.
conducted by MANISH VYAS
A journey into Joy and Silence through the wisdom and ancient techniques from India. By using music, singing, meditation, breathing, mantras, dance, relaxation, we approach the different vibrations that pass from the body to the mind and go towards the most subtle space...
The music of Manish Vyas is a vehicle to bring the mind, heart and prana (energy) to the level of primal sound, from where one can return to the original state of oneness with the Whole.
Immerse yourself in this four-day long-weekend experience, surrounded by good vibes and the power of Indian sound. Relax, reconnect to Source, simply “be”, opening the space of the inner Self.

A program based on simple activities that work subtly on different levels, from the body to the most subtle - through chanting, breathing, meditation, relaxation, mantra and music.
"My signature is simplicity, authenticity and sincerity - as I share effective tools that I have learned from my teachers and masters throughout my life in India..." MV
Manish speaks in English during the activity (there will be French translation.)

The retreat is for those who are interested in real techniques of work on oneself. Manish does not identify himself with any religion or idea, but with the eternal wisdom of the wise ones of all times.

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AGENDA /TIMINGS (subject to minor changes)
Location: Aubenas, Ardèche
House, Meals and Accommodation at: Moulin D'Ozon
The retreat is residential (3 nights / 4 days, Thursday to Sunday)
For more info.
and program details contact:
Contact: Kamla Gueissaz
For registration, please send your name, telephone and address.

Sagesse de l'Inde
La solitude est partout. L'individu est toujours seul. Ce qu'il doit faire, c'est la découvrir en lui-même et non pas la trouver en dehors de lui.
Ramana Maharshi

Revues musicales publiées dans Esprit Yoga Magazine
"I keep your wisdom (from India), advices, presence, love and light, into my heart. Thanks to life to these beautiful moments we share thanks to your music. I keep listening." Helen
"I wish to send you this message full of my Gratitude, my Joy and above all my Love. Thanks a lot for your beautiful presence, your teaching, your humility and especially your beautiful voice and music. I've been listening to you for a long time, but being in your presence is so powerful! During these two days you gave me the fire to rekindle my inner flame. So, thank you so much!" Habi
"Thank you very much for this true communion. I have a very good feeling inside...." Caty
"Thank you so much Manish for sharing with us your marvelous music and presence also... it was good for me to feel that we were all like One heart singing, and that our chants were received. The week after, we all have smiles upon our faces... our little lights are brilliants...also thanks to your loving masters and the ancient wisdom of India." Elen
"Thank you so much for our wonderful time together, it was such a great honor to meet you and receive teachings, practices and how lucky we were to have the chance to sing with you. My heart is full of thanks for these 2 days of grace joy and bless I was connected with you through your music which lend me to the path of wisdom and take a part in my daily life now that we are connected with our heart and soul through what we have been living all together. I hope next year you come back for at least 3 days. Hari Om Tat Sat" Naty
Below, our wonderful organizing team who is in charge of each detail: