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The ancient sages and Rishis from India possessed profound wisdom about the science of Sound and its impact on human physiology and psychology. This wisdom has been embedded in the tradition and science of Mantra, which aims to elevate human consciousness. Unfortunately, in India, where it originated, much of its significance has been dimmed due to its association with religion and rituals; and in the west, it has been presented without any depth and only as music and entertainment, which is far from the real. However, in the past few decades, there has been a resurgence of interest in the true world of Mantras, attracting people around the world to explore the yogic practice of Sound.


The documentary delves into the stories of individuals such as Sanskrit scholars, doctors, spiritual masters, and musicians, who have transformed and elevated lives of many people through the deep insights of Mantras. Particularly fascinating are the experiments and success stories of medical and Ayurveda practitioners, who have managed to treat successfully seemingly incurable disorders and help people overcome mental or physical health conditions that appeared irreversible. This documentary showcases the immense, omnipresent power of Sound, which is a hidden treasure of Nature, but available to all of us. This is the eternal sacred Sound of India : Mantra.



expected Fall 2025


Movie Director, Producer : Manish Vyas

India is my soul - I come from a family of Brahmins, that for generations and generations have been from this blessed region of the planet called India. Bhārat (India) has such a rich heritage that only few people can imagine. The depth of its sciences is such that it would require many lifetimes to even start mastering one small area. As a musician and a seeker, trained under some of the finest maestros and spiritual masters in India, I feel honoured to show to the world the depth of it. 
We were able to dive into these subjects with knowledgeable people, many times humbly hidden in some corner of India... but with so much knowledge and wisdom that one can simple bow down to them in respect and silence.
I dedicate this film to India and all these Gurus, teachers, musicians and participants in the film who are doing the same effort as me, to show an authentic source - without selfish interests but overall the love and respect for Bhaarat - forever my beloved India.


The new Mantra documentary by Manish Vyas

Film Fundraising   ·  Crowdfunding / Contribution

"Life is an echo, what you send out comes back."

I once heard, "making a documentary is like raising an elephant..." and it is a little bit so! That's why, as an independent film maker motivated by the love of India and its treasures, I appreciate your support. We are very proud of what we are doing through this documentary, and though the purpose of it is not getting a commercial benefit but the passion for the subject, still, we would be happy to cover the expenses (or some expenses) of the film-making... mainly due to the extensive time and traveling dedicated to this. With your support we can realize the documentary to its full potential.


All contributors will be mentioned in the film and will receive a digital link to view the film. Contributors of at least 25 EUR will also receive the WAV files of the album with the film music.

If you would like to help in this project, you can find the options to make a donation (any amount) on this link


I'm working with a wonderful film crew in India (and a smaller team in Switzerland), and expect to present the documentary after summer 2025. Thank you for your interest and support, and stay connected! With His Blessings and Gratitude, Manish Vyas

Status of the funding received until now: EUR 5'500

Thank You!



Thank you for taking time out of your day to read all about our “True World of Mantra” fundraising campaign. We are so grateful for your time and for your potential donation. We realise it's a tough time out there right now so don’t worry if you can’t spare the extra cash for a donation right now, there are many other ways you can support the film. You can share the link to this page with your networks and on your social media, and help us amplify the film when it comes out. That is all equally valuable and something we’d be so happy about. 



MANTRA and other forms of ancient sacred Sounds had their roots in India more than ten thousand years ago; during the time of the Vedas, when Rishis (wise ones) discovered existing Sounds that were related to a form, by which certain sounds can be related to a particular energy. In this way, it was discovered that a certain result could be obtained by using a certain sound. So, certain sounds are able to produce transformation. Just like sound created the universe! That is why, in India it is said that Sound is God.
The source of Mantra is Sound - actually Mantra is a Sound, but not any sound! Mantra is not about music, entertainment, concerts, singing-together... it is about a very complex science, the science of Sound, where Sound is power, Sound is a creator, Sound is God.

We explore the use of these Sounds going to the roots of this ancient tradition of Mantra, and how it also went into the music in the contemporary times.

About 40 different artists, scholars, masters, writers, doctors and practitioners have dedicated their life into exploring the depth of this ancient science of Sound have contributed with their knowledge and wisdom in this documentary.

an ancient source

Sanatan Dharma, known as Hinduism in the west, is the oldest culture of at least ten thousand years old as per evidence but probably much older. Sanatan Dharma is not a religion but an immense body of knowledge in the form of oral transmission and traditions, scriptures, books, recitations, commentaries, epics. Furthermore, it is essentially a way of life, inspired by enlightened beings who lived across India along thousands of year. The term Dharma does not refer to religion, but to duty. That is how also Yoga was born from this Dharma, and that is how the definition of Yoga is nothing less that "a lifestyle of excellence." Mantra, as well as Yoga, also developed along this path. That is why it is so important to represent it and spread it in its highest purity and true essence.



Beyond my passion for Mantra, Music and culture from India, the intention behind this documentary, is to share the true essence of this ancient practice, or better to say, science. Also being able to reach the audiences in the West, where so many distorted presentations of Mantra (and other disciplines from India) have been happening since last fifty years.


Mantra is not a world of  concert performances and even less 'star-ship' where the focus is given to the singer - this is the first misunderstanding. Mantra is where the person melts, where the person remains hidden and the sound takes over, until the person (ego) disappears.


Yet, if sacred texts from India are put into music, this is done with uttermost respect and understanding of how to handle this process. That's why the film also explores the whole path... the training, the dedication, the years of study musicians in India go through before singing a Mantra in the public domain.


It is time the world knows what is really Mantra, what is really Yoga... their depth and sacredness. And also in this way re-connect to a more earnest approach towards these practices; which are ultimately tools for higher consciousness and liberation. And the purpose for which these paths have been conceived shouldn't be forgotten.

"To interact with the diverse learned and insightful referents in music, mantra and ancient Indian sciences, has been a great experience and a fortunate event.
To be learning from each of these sources is a total blessing for any person in love with our history and culture."


more about the content

Different videos with aspects and subjects that will be featured in this documentary can be found on this youtube playlist 

What is Mantra and its real tradition?

ॐ गं गणपतये नमः
Om Gaṃ Ganapataye Namah


Ganesha Mantra and other mantras from India

Since his childhood, Manish Vyas has been exposed to Sanskrit, Mantras, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gītā, spiritual poetries of Kabir, Nanak, Meera... He was playing and singing in Kirtan gatherings since young age at home or at the meditation centre run by his grandfather in Gujarat - a bhakti atmosphere that happens naturally and spontaneously in India, under its beautiful and unique traditions transmitted from generation to generation for thousands of years.

In India, when one learns music, one cannot remain untouched by the spiritual element of it, the sacred text of ancient India, where so many Beings became enlightened and many of them expressed their journey and state through songs, verses and mantras.



Though music transcends language, culture and time and though notes are the same, Indian music is unique because it is evolved, sophisticated and melodies are defined. Dayananda Saraswati (1824-1883)

Never sacrifice your music for money or fame. It is better to be the unknown servant of music than be a famed one whose music has been sullied by envy, greed or gimmicks. Ustad Ali Akbar Khan (1922-2009)

ustad ali akbar khan.jfif

Our music draws the listener away, beyond the limits of everyday human joys and sorrows, and takes us to that lonely region of renunciation which lies to the root of the universe, while European music leads us to a variegated dance through the endless rise and fall of human grief and joy. Rabindranath Tagore (1861 – 1941)

Indian music is oriented solely to the end of divine communication. If I have done something in this respect entirely due to the grace of the Almighty who has chosen my humble self as a tool. M. S. Subbulakshmi (1916 – 2004)

M. S. Subbulakshmi.jpg

What is most remarkable is that the mystics played such an important part in the development of Indian music. That is why they enriched the melody to such an extent for the purpose of meditation. H. I Khan (1882-1927)

The knower of the mystery of Sound knows the mystery of the whole Universe.


some feedbacks received from the trailers

"This is going to be so good, simply because the trailer is extraordinary. Chanting is not performance. Whatever you do, do it with a qualified teacher." 

"Thank you for spreading the word and sound. It's so important what you are doing, I feel blessed, when I discover a little bit of this ancient and sacred world."

"The trailer is exquisite it taps into the beauty of Vedic wisdom. Thank you, i can't wait to see this and more."

"The real deal."

"So happy you are doing this Manishbhai - The truth must be known."

"Wonderful work! Thanks for all you do to revive the ancient wisdom of India."


"I'm eager to see this, learned already from the preview."

"This is the original and ancient point of view, which has been unknown to the rest of the world. It is time people know the real flavor instead of rock-n-roll mantras and kirtans. What you're doing is great."

"I just wanted to say thank you for making the Mantra documentary. From the first few moments you could feel the calm and power. It’s the first documentary on mantra that I feel I really want to watch!"

"Amazing! Listening to all these talented musicians, seeing their dedication to learning and absorbing is inspirational. Listening to mantras and classical Indian music has always affected me positively for years. I can't wait to see the entire movie!"

"As a westerner, it's so difficult to understand what is the role of a student in vaidika dharma, but this beautiful work explained the finesse of it. Thank you so much. Amazing work!" Gabriel 

"This is a short note of gratitude. Just to humbly express the adoration of your music, emanating from the silent space of your heart and reminding us that we too are That. For such blissful music can only be a manifestation of the love for God. I am deeply touched by your honoring of the Indian culture and music and how this reflects in your mission to keep true and authentic while enabling the Western ears to connect with it." Maya

"Thank you for showcasing the musical and spiritual people of India and their wisdom on the science of Mantra and its role in increasing one's awareness. Honestly, till now, I was clueless about the science of Mantra. This message of yours has kindled my inquisitiveness to know more. I am sure your forthcoming documentary film will be an enriching experience. What is heartening is to see your revered expression of Guru Bhakti to the awakened masters. Also, more important, you continue to remain with an attitude of sincere student and not attempting to get into the shoes of the Guru; thus remaining as an instrument to channelize the right knowledge to thousands of your followers. Also, I salute your resolve and passion towards showcasing Vedas and Upanishads to the world in right perspective and making an effort to preserve its authenticity." Mateo


"Thank you Manish for this, so needed to delve into the roots & share this wisdom today with all. It has been an honor to follow & enjoy your offerings all these years." Amrita

"Thank you very much Manish. You are revealing the glory and dignity of Indian culture, art, literature and ancient traditions in the true sense, by revising and presenting them to the world in the most beautiful way, through this pure divine music and documentation." Satya

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