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listening to mantras - meditation.

All the techniques of meditation, whatsoever they may be, are basically meant to arrive at the source of life... if they are properly practised and understood. Today, first we did a kind of trātak, gazing passively into each other’s eyes; then we did gibberish... and at the end, we were listening to the mantra. Shall i tell you the significance of listening to mantras? The sound of mantras creates a vibrant and alive atmosphere within and without the body. It immediately brings one’s psyche in the present moment, in the now. The awareness is raised; it brings one together. On the whole, it creates a great energy, a great awakening within one’s being. It destroys the dullness, the inertia, the scatteredness of the mind. It is really very powerful. After the session of listening to the mantras, one experiences divine peace, one feels quiet, calm and collected, a healthy and happy well-being. If one is really sensitive and aware, one can experience oneness with the whole. One’s illusory boundary is lost because the mind stays in abeyance... at least for the time-being. As an after-effect of listening to the mantra, one feels unafraid, secure, out of danger from all kinds of imaginative fear, healthy and whole. One’s inner joy wells up. when this very experience becomes continuous, stable and natural, one has arrived; one is established permanently in a state of witnessing, which is a state of a stithapragya, the very aim of any ardent seeker. They also call it sakshibhaav mein stithi. This is the significance of listening to mantras during meditation. But remember well... that anything which has some significance, can also give the reverse result; it can make one even more egoistic, even more holier-than-thou. So it can also be harmful, if it is not properly understood or properly used. So here, in our practice, we simply listen to the chanting of mantras meditatively – by remaining constantly attentive, awake and aware of the sound of the mantra. In our practice, we do not chant, we simply listen passively. By attentive and passive listening, a force, an upward-moving energy is created. One’s spine spontaneously gets erect, as energy starts moving upward towards the higher chakras and the process of purification of the chakras happens spontaneously. By the way, if it becomes unbearable to someone, one falls asleep. Falling asleep means... the mind, the intellect, the brain is unable to absorb the created energy. At the very end of this 90-minute session, as a prayer, we bow down in térā tujhko arpan – your’s back to you – which relaxes the whole being; but the effect of the awakened energy silently keeps on doing its job. So it is always better to do térā tujhko arpan bowing down heartfully in devotion, gratitude and reverence after each meditation session. This is the first time that it has been introduced today. This is simply an act of surrender to the divine, to existence. when one is filled with the feeling of térā tujhko arpan, these three words térā tujhko arpan make one centered, open, relaxed and receptive. isn’t it? Whenever you utter the word i, notice what happens in your system? You can feel that you are tight, tense, ego-centric, insecure, afraid... kind of.

with HIS blessings - WHOSOEVER

Gurudev (for some), Whosoever (for all) is an enlightened master living in South India, where he has been receiving people from all over the world to stay in residential programs as well as in his 10 - 20 - 40 days retreats, which he has been organizing since at least 40 years, appointed initially by his master, Osho. He is not interested in masses, but in earnest seekers, who come to his beautiful place called Osho Devlok, by the shores of sacred River Kaveri. His approach is simplicity, truth, practical spirituality... not words and philosophies, but the true meaning and application of consciousness.

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