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The feel of India in all its dynamics and celebrations
INDIA TRANCE will forever remain one of the most memorable phenomenon in his musical journey.
This is a recording of a live concert in India, with an audience of more than 3000 people, where the atmosphere was charged with an energy of dance, joy and celebration. With a band of eleven musicians from all around the world, with variety of rich instruments and vocals. It was like a dream team to have some of the best musicians playing all together. The result was fantastic and and till today, this CD is used in many centers around the world for dance meditations or celebrations.
Thanks to the great performance of the musicians, and a good recording, this album full of energy and dynamics is available for download, containing some of Manish Vyas' most classic songs like Ishq, Meera and Shiva Shakti.
Through the clear expression of the rasa or dynamics, the singer feels the presence of Brahma, the creator. Vocal music in India is a way to express deep devotion to God. It is manifested through the art of vocalization which becomes more then just a vocal warm up but an act of worship.
Music is an essential ingredient in the lives of people in India. Folk and classical music accompany various styles of Indian dances. For us music is a means to get in touch with the Supreme Being. A song becomes a tool for the communication and an interaction process between the worshipper and a deity, which represents god, the eternal.
"India has never written history, India has only tried to touch the eternal, in the same manner as a chakor, a red-legged partridge, goes on gazing at the moon, without even blinking." Osho
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